While speaking in an exclusive chat with Vanguard on Wednesday, Chairman, Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption, Prof. Itse Sagay, described the request by Abdulrasheed Maina, to meet with President Muhammadu Buhari as ridiculous and out of the question.
Prof. Sagay, who also described the request of ex-Chairman of the Presidential Task Force on Pension Reforms, to meet Buhari as insulting to the country said; “The whole matter does not justify such ridiculous request.”
He said: ‘’His request to meet with the President is out of the question. If every suspect has a whistle to blow and is therefore taken to the President, I don’t think the President will have any other job to do.
‘’Apart from the protocol and status, it is even insulting to the country. He can talk to the EFCC, ICPC and Police and if he wants a higher authority, he can meet with the Inspector-General of Police. So, he does not need to get to that level at all because nobody is going to allow that.”
On Maina’s claim that his life was in danger, Sagay said: “The police are going to protect him; he should go to the police or the EFCC. They are the best protectors, they have armed officers, and they can keep him in a safe room or safe house.
‘’I don’t think that is going to be a problem. He can easily call them and then negotiate how he would arrive there and be kept safe.”
via Loud Naija Media