
Showing posts from July, 2020

Stargate Universe Season Two

A s many know who visit here at Musings Of A Sci Fi Fanatic , I've been enjoying an entry by entry review of Season One of Stargate Universe ( SGU ). A recent look at SGU , S1, E17, Pain and E18, Subversion inspired me to enjoy the rest of the series in succession. In other words, I really wanted to get to it and have a proper look at the series final season, Season Two. For those who have read over my look at SGU , S1, Subversion the series had me concerned about its trajectory. SGU was suddenly entangled with earthbound stories and being sucked into a story thread with the Lucian Alliance (a hold over from the days of SG1 ). For this viewer it was the least compelling storyline of the series in its first season of survival for the crew aboard Destiny. The SGU S1, two-part finale, E19 and E20, Incursion threw the crew of the Destiny up against the Lucian Alliance. It was indeed my least favorite portion of a mostly great first season. Despite the missteps at the en