If you want to make money off instagram think content management...Read these few tips to help you as sent in by Doppelganger....
But first you have to grow your followers and how do you do that?
1. You can either buy or grow them organically using content. Organically in the sense that your followers are real while you can opt to buy followers and add to your already growing followers. For example pages like krastv (over 1million followers)is handled by a human and they have a large following because of their funny videos and then brands noticed them (new music artists, hair makers, MUAs etc).
So what brands looking for online influencers do is to search for handles with large following, pay them to post a video/photo promoting their product (doesn't come for free) because they know the number of followers and people who visit that page daily will definitely see the post. You would have started watching the video with the hope of laughing before you'd realise it's an advert.
Celebs charge more because of their status, so most starting brands can't afford them instead they seek help of ordinary Instagram users with large following. So instead of paying a celeb with 2million followers that will charge maybe 500k per post, they'd pay you 50k with your 10k followers to promote their business.
2. Also, to grow your following/followers I will take you back to content. Content is key, no one will follow a boring page, you have to be active and let your posts be escorted with lots of hash tags. You also have to define if your page is personal or for business. Instagram gives you that option when opening an account,to choose between a personal or business account where you can set your email, phone number on your page that people can quickly contact you on if they need your service.
For example, post a bikini photo of you and hashtag #bikinibody #summerbody #fineass #slimthick #melaninpopping #swimmer #ignoremyshenanigans #ireallydohatehashtags
3. Use Hastags: You'd find about 1,759,990 people using same hashtag #summerbody. Once anyone clicks on the hashtag your post will also show and anyone anywhere even when they aren't following you will see it (power of hashtags) #hashtagsarenotcompletelyuseless
Before you know especially if the bikini photo is fire because you know Bella la hot, people will follow you to see more.
4. Use Geotags too, visited a zoo recently? Put location on the post and people who visited and used same location will see it and follow you if they think you might have more information about the place
Yeah that's how people make money, so while you're busy being a keypad warrior on blogs, you can channel it into being a content manager for either yourself or brands on social media, it is not limited to Instagram alone. It's also called online marketing (Instagram comedians started from Instagram and now most do stand ups and get invited to events and are paid well).
If you can't do comedy like wofai who is now attending red carpets, you can decide to run a page that posts pictures of beautiful women or men, abstract pictures (maybe danfo carrying rams) etc. See the content is out there, find it and use it.
5. You can also make up a cool hashtag and get people to start using it instead of following the crowd.
6. Link your Instagram to other platforms, so that people on Facebook for example will see when you post and like or decide to follow you on Instagram.
7. Be out there, manage accounts for people and help them grow their business especially if you know how to write catching headlines that accompany posts
8. Don't do it for free, so many Instagram celebs started from Twitter and make cool money now
9. Have you followed me today? #Ieatasunforaliving #islayhard #Iamdoppelganger #stoptrollingcelebsandmakeyourownmoney
10- #natheworkweywedeydo #SDKtohbadt #Amebonobecrime
#dopplegangersideeyes #hehehehehehehhe